To become a member, you can complete the below electronic application, or print and post a completed hard copy form here, along with your membership payment.

Pay by Direct Deposit, Cheque or Postal Order for all membership types
Membership Application Direct Deposit, Cheque or Postal Order
In applying, I state that I:

  1. have not been convicted of an indictable offence;
  2. (if an individual) am not bankrupt;
  3. (if an organisation) have not been wound up or otherwise dissolved or deregistered;
  4. (if an individual) am not an employee, contractor or consultant of The Moreton Bay Foundation; and
  5. have read, understand and support the object and purposes of The Moreton Bay Foundation, as stated in the Constitution
Pay by Credit Card for Friend of Moreton Bay memberships
Membership Application Credit Card
In applying, I state that I:

  1. have not been convicted of an indictable offence;
  2. (if an individual) am not bankrupt;
  3. (if an organisation) have not been wound up or otherwise dissolved or deregistered;
  4. (if an individual) am not an employee, contractor or consultant of The Moreton Bay Foundation; and
  5. have read, understand and support the object and purposes of The Moreton Bay Foundation, as stated in the Constitution


Membership Application Information

Applicants who wish to become a member of The Moreton Bay Foundation are encouraged to read the Foundation’s Constitution. Further information about the Foundation is stated on the website.

All applications for The Moreton Bay Foundation membership will be determined by the Foundation’s Board, and applicants will be advised of the Board’s decision as soon as possible.

In addition to supporting the work of The Moreton Bay Foundation, members who are Friends of Moreton Bay receive periodic information e-newsletters and events updates, and free entry or discounted registration fees for Foundation events.

In addition to receiving Friends of Moreton Bay membership benefits, research and ordinary members are entitled to a representative place at each Foundation’s Expert Scientific Forums, and ordinary members are eligible to vote at The Moreton Bay Foundation’s General Meetings, including the AGM.

The membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June, however any successful application received after 1 May will be accepted for, and considered to be membership for the July – June year.